Return / Refund Policy

  1. If the fulfillment (shipping, installation and delivery) is not fulfilled in favor of the buyer for reasons related to the seller such as the fact that the item is not available in real stock despite its availability in stock on the website or the seller desires to cancel the purchase transaction for reasons related to him such as price review or any other reason, then the entire transaction will be refunded to the buyer, and the seller will be charged the selling commission plus the cost of the financial transaction, in addition to requesting him to adjust the product’s status on the website (stock, price...etc).
  2. If fulfillment is made in favor of the buyer and a defect is found in the delivered goods and the buyer objects by opening a claim ticket within 48 hours for receiving the order, the seller will be informed of the need to correct the situation according to the following cases:
    1. Replacing the damaged goods with new goods, obtaining the buyer’s approval, and closing the claim ticket within a period not exceeding five working days.
    2. Withdrawing the goods and canceling the purchase transaction by the seller due to the unavailability of a replacement or the impossibility of repair within a period not exceeding five working days, at which point the terms and conditions of paragraph 1 previously will apply.
    3. Proof by the seller that the goods are sound and free of any defect through a technical inspection report, or a receipt / handover note and that the claim ticket submitted by the buyer is not valid, then the buyer will be contacted, and the following options will be presented to him:
      1. Accepting the receipt of the goods and closing the claim ticket.
      2. Proving that the seller’s report is incorrect through a report submitted by the buyer containing photos and supporting evidence, then the claim ticket will remain open, and the seller will be informed and the process according to paragraph 2 previously will be re-started.
  3. In case of refund to buyer as per paragraph 1 above; whether in full or partial; Refunds will be done only through the Original Mode of Payment. Please allow for up to 45days for the refund transfer to be completed.
  4. Handling Fees (if any) are non-refundable.
  5. In case the vendor publishes a different return / refund policy and the buyer accepts it, the vendor’s policy will have priority on this policy.
  6. is not responsible for checking the authenticity and quality of any product listed by vendors.
  7. Please note that all international sales are final, non-returnable and non-refundable, except in cases where items are defective or incorrect. If you receive an item that is defective or not as ordered, we are happy to assist you with a return or refund.

Shipping Policy

  • Shipping is done by a third party courier service that covers GCC countries and may take upto 14 days. Shipping cost is deemed to be included in the price if the order total exceeds the minimum order amount of 270 QAR, otherwise a shipping surcharge will be calculated and added according to the actual order amount.

Cancellation Policy

  • Please note that all sales are final, we do not offer a voluntary cancellation option.